পূর্বধলায় সরকারি হালটে ঘর নির্মাণ; রাস্তা বন্ধ ১৪ পরিবারের
শিমুল শাখাওয়াতঃ নেত্রকোনার পূর্বধলা উপজেলার আগিয়া ইউনিয়নের মহিষবেড় গ্রামের মইজ উদ্দিন নামে এক ব্যক্তির বিরুদ্ধে প্রতিবেশীদের সরকারি হালট দিয়ে চলাচলের রাস্তা বন্ধ করে ঘর নির্মাণের অভিযোগ ওঠেছে। এতে চলাচলে দুর্ভোগের শিকার হচ্ছেন প্রতিবেশী আব্দুল কুদ্দুসের পরিবারসহ গ্রামের ১৪ টি পরিবার। স্থানীয় জনপ্রতিনিধি ও প্রশাসনের কাছে বিচার চেয়েও প্রতিকার পায়নি বলে তাদের অভিযোগ। এ নিয়ে ভুক্তভোগী পরিবারগুলোর মধ্যে চাপা ক্ষোভ বিরাজ করছে। বিষয়টি সমাধানে ঊর্ধ্বতন কর্তৃপক্ষের হস্তক্ষেপ কামনা করছেন স্থানীয়রা।
অভিযোগ ও স্থানীয় বিভিন্ন সূত্রে জানা গেছে, উপজেলার আগিয়া মৌজায় আনুমানিক ৩২ শতাংশ হালটের মধ্যে ১২ শতাংশ জমিতে মহিষবেড় গ্রামের মৃত তালে হোসেন এর ছেলে মইজ উদ্দিন বাড়ি-ঘর ও গাছ রোপণ করে রাস্তা বন্ধ করে রেখেছে। চলাচলের জন্য ৬ ফুট চওড়া একটি রাস্তা ব্যবহার করতেন ভুক্তভোগী পরিবারসহ অন্যরা। কিন্তু হালটের উপর গত দুই বছর পূর্বে হালটের আনুমানিক ১২ শতাংশ জমিতে ঘর নির্মাণ করে মইজ উদ্দিন। গত ৩-৪ মাস আগে শত্রুতা পোষণ করে পূর্ব থেকেই ব্যবহৃত ৭০-৮০ ফুট রাস্তা ব্যক্তিগত জায়গা দিয়ে হওয়ায় কাঁটা দিয়ে বেড়া নির্মাণ করে রাস্তাটি বন্ধ করে দেন প্রতিবেশী মইজ উদ্দিন। এতে যাতায়াতে চরম দুর্ভোগ পোহাচ্ছেন আব্দুল কুদ্দুসের পরিবারসহ অসহায় ১৪টি পরিবারের সদস্যরা।
সম্প্রতি সরেজমিনে গিয়ে দেখা গেছে, গ্রামের প্রধান সড়ক থেকে মইজ উদ্দিনের বাড়ির পাশ দিয়ে সরু একটি মাটির রাস্তা। ওই রাস্তার দক্ষিণ প্রান্তে সরকারি হালটের উপর মইজ উদ্দিনের বাড়ি। তারও দক্ষিণ পাশে আব্দুল কুদ্দুসের বাড়ি। শত্রুতা পোষণ করে চলাচলের একমাত্র রাস্তাটি বন্ধ করে আব্দুল কুদ্দুসের বাড়ির উত্তর পাশে সরকারি হালটের উপর ঘর নির্মাণ করা হয়েছে। এতে নতুন করে হামলা ও হয়রানির আশঙ্কায় ওই রাস্তা দিয়ে আব্দুল কুদ্দুসের পরিবারসহ অবরুদ্ধ ১৪টি পরিবারের কেউ চলাচল করতে সাহস পাচ্ছে না।
অবরুদ্ধ পরিবারের সদস্য আবদুল্লাহ আল মামুন বলেন, ১৯৭১ সালের পূর্ব থেকেই এই রাস্তা দিয়ে আমাদের চলাফেরা। সরকারি হালটের কিছু অংশে চলাচলের জন্য রাস্তা ছিল। আনুমানিক ১২শতাংশ সরকারি হালটের মধ্যে গাছ রোপণ করে দখল করে ঘর নির্মাণ করে চলাচলের রাস্তাটি বন্ধ করে দেন মইজ উদ্দিন। গাছগুলোর আনুমানিক মূল্য প্রায় ১লক্ষ টাকা। এখন অন্য গ্রাম হয়ে নদীর পাড় ধরে চলাচল করতে হচ্ছে। মহল্লার মসজিদে নামাজ পড়তে যাওয়া যায় না। কোনো মালামাল আনা-নেওয়া করতে পারছি না। স্থানীয় জনপ্রতিনিধি ও প্রশাসনের কর্তাব্যক্তিদের কাছে বিচার চেয়েও কোনো প্রতিকার পায়নি। রাস্তা নিয়ে কথা বললে হুমকি ও ভয়ভীতি দেখান তিনি। কখন কোন ঘটনা ঘটিয়ে মইজ উদ্দিন ও তার উশৃঙ্খল লোকজন আমাদের ফাঁসিয়ে দেন, সেই চিন্তায় পুরো পরিবারে অশান্তি বিরাজ করছে।
অভিযুক্ত মইজ উদ্দিনের বড় ভাই নিজাম উদ্দিন বলেন, ‘রাস্তার জায়গাটি আমাদের। বসবাসের জন্য পরিবারের সদস্যদের বাড়ি নির্মাণ করা হবে। সুতরাং বাড়ির ভিতর দিয়ে রাস্তা হয় কিভাবে। যেখানে রাস্তা দাবি করা হচ্ছে এখানে কোন রাস্তা ছিল না। জঙ্গলের পশ্চিম পাশে চলাচলের রাস্তা ছিল। নিজেদের নিরাপত্তার কথা ভেবে রাস্তাটি বন্ধ করা হয়। এতে কার কি সমস্যা হলো, সেটা আমার দেখার বিষয় না। সালিসি বৈঠক বসলে সবাই রাস্তার জায়গা ছেড়ে দেওয়ার জন্য বলেন।
স্থানীয় কালাম ও প্রতিবেশী নিজাম উদ্দিনসহ একাধিক ব্যক্তি বলেন, রাস্তাটি দিয়ে শুধু নিজাম উদ্দিন এর পরিবার নয়, এলাকার অনেক মানুষ চলাচল করে থাকে। কাউকে কিছু না জানিয়ে হঠাৎ ঘর নির্মাণ করে রাস্তাটি বন্ধ করে দেন তিনি। এর ফলে চরম দুর্ভোগে পড়েন আব্দুল কুদ্দুসের পরিবারসহ গ্রামের অনেক মানুষ। নিজাম উদ্দিনের পেশি শক্তি বেশি এবং প্রভাবশালী। বিষয়টি সমাধানের লক্ষ্যে সালিসি বৈঠকে বসা হয়েছিল। প্রথমে রাস্তার জায়গা ছেড়ে দেওয়ার জন্য বললেও পরে ছাড়েননি।
স্থানীয় চেয়ারম্যান সানোয়ার হোসেন চৌধুরী ঘটনার বিষয় নিয়ে সংক্ষুব্ধ হয়ে বলেন, নিজেই তো নিজেরটা করতে পারি না, নিজের বাড়িতে পানি আটকে আছে অথচ কোন ব্যবস্থা করতে পারি না। তিনবার সমন্বয় মিটিংয়ে উত্থাপন করার পরেও এ বিষয়ে কোনো পদক্ষেপ গ্রহণ করা হয়নি। যিনি অভিযোগ করেছেন তিনিও নাকি সাংবাদিক এই বিষয়ে আমার কোন বক্তব্য নেই। ইউএনও মহোদয় এর কাছে অভিযোগ করেছে ইউএনও মহোদয় দেখবেন। তবে এর আগে আমি উদ্যোগ গ্রহণ করেছি। মইজুদ্দিনদের লোকজন উশৃংখল টাইপের তাই সমাধান করতে পারিনি।
উপজেলা নির্বাহী অফিসার শেখ জাহিদ হাসান প্রিন্স বলেন, ভুক্তভোগী পরিবারের লিখিত অভিযোগ পেয়ে বিষয়টি দেখার জন্য সহকারী কমিশনার ভূমিকে নির্দেশ দেওয়া হয়েছিল। উনারা ভিজিট করছেন জানতে পেরেছি। তবে সেখান থেকে এখনো পর্যন্ত কোন ফিডব্যাক পাইনি। এই বিষয়ে আবার জেনে পরবর্তীতে বিধি মোতাবেক ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করা হবে। হালট, গোপাট কিংবা খেলার মাঠ এসব জায়গায় বসতবাড়ি নির্মানের নিষেধাজ্ঞা রয়েছে। সে ক্ষেত্রে ১৯০৮ সালের যে আইন রয়েছে সে আইন মোতাবেক ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করা হবে। মানুষের চলাচলের রাস্তার জায়গায় কারো মালিকানা হলেও কেউ বন্ধ করতে পারে না। জনগণের চলাচলের রাস্তা বন্ধ করা কারো অধিকার নাই। এটি আইনসিদ্ধ নয়।
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Great article. I discovered the content extremely helpful. Appreciated the way you detailed all the points.
This post is amazing! Full of useful details and very articulate. Thank you for offering this.
This is wonderful! Full of valuable information and very well-written. Many thanks for offering this.
Fantastic post. I thought the information very useful. Adored the manner you detailed all the points.
This post is amazing! Filled with useful insights and extremely well-written. Thanks for offering this.
Truly enjoyed reading this post. It’s extremely articulate and full of useful details. Thank you for providing this.
Adored this article. It’s highly comprehensive and filled with valuable insights. Great effort!
Really enjoyed reading this entry. It’s very well-written and packed with valuable details. Many thanks for offering this.
This post is highly informative. I truly appreciated reading it. The content is very well-organized and straightforward to understand.
The subsequent time I learn a blog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as much as this one. I mean, I do know it was my option to learn, however I actually thought youd have one thing fascinating to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about one thing that you could repair in the event you werent too busy in search of attention.
This article is extremely educational. I truly valued perusing it. The details is very arranged and straightforward to follow.
This is highly enlightening. I truly appreciated reading it. The content is extremely structured and easy to follow.
This post is truly amazing! The insight provided is very useful, and it is well-written. Many thanks for making the effort to create this.
This is great. I gained a lot from reading it. The details is very informative and structured.
Adored the details in this article. It’s very detailed and filled with helpful details. Fantastic work!
This is wonderful. I learned plenty from perusing it. The details is extremely educational and well-organized.
This article is fantastic! Full of valuable information and highly articulate. Many thanks for providing this.
Genuinely enjoyed this article. It gave a lot of valuable details. Great work on writing this.
Adored this article. It’s highly well-researched and packed with valuable insights. Fantastic job!
This is wonderful. I picked up plenty from reading it. The details is extremely educational and arranged.
Appreciated this article. It’s highly detailed and packed with helpful insights. Excellent effort!
Excellent entry. I thought the information very useful. Adored the way you detailed everything.
Loved the insight in this post. It’s extremely well-researched and full of helpful information. Excellent job!
Excellent post. It provided a lot of valuable information. I value the time you dedicated to create this information.
Loved the insight in this entry. It’s very comprehensive and packed with useful insights. Excellent job!
Adored the details in this post. It’s highly detailed and filled with beneficial information. Great job!
Truly appreciated this entry. It provided plenty of valuable details. Fantastic job on creating this.
This article is fantastic! Full of valuable information and highly articulate. Thanks for offering this.
Adored this entry. It’s very well-researched and full of valuable details. Excellent work!
Truly enjoyed perusing this post. It’s very clear and full of valuable information. Thanks for sharing this.
This is wonderful! Packed with useful information and extremely clear. Thank you for providing this.
Wonderful entry. It’s extremely well-written and filled with valuable information. Thank you for offering this post.
Adored the details in this post. It’s extremely comprehensive and filled with helpful information. Fantastic job!
This post is great. I picked up tons from perusing it. The details is extremely educational and arranged.
Wonderful entry. It’s extremely articulate and packed with valuable information. Many thanks for providing this content.
This is incredibly informative. I truly appreciated perusing it. The content is highly arranged and easy to understand.
Fantastic entry. I discovered the content very useful. Loved the manner you clarified all the points.
Genuinely appreciated this article. It gave plenty of helpful insights. Great job!
Excellent article. It’s very well-written and filled with helpful information. Thank you for offering this information.
Such an enlightening entry! I gained plenty from perusing it. This content is extremely well-organized and easy to understand.
Loved the details in this post. It’s extremely comprehensive and full of beneficial details. Great effort!
Terrific post. It offered a lot of valuable details. I am grateful for the time you dedicated to write this post.
Truly appreciated this entry. It provided plenty of valuable information. Great effort on composing this.
Wonderful article. It’s highly clear and full of useful insight. Thank you for sharing this post.
Truly liked perusing this entry. It’s highly clear and packed with helpful information. Thank you for offering this.
Great post. I discovered the details extremely beneficial. Loved the method you detailed the content.
This is great. I learned plenty from perusing it. The information is highly educational and structured.
Truly liked reading this entry. It’s very enlightening and structured. Excellent work!
This is wonderful. I picked up tons from perusing it. The information is extremely enlightening and well-organized.
This article is fantastic! Full of valuable information and highly clear. Thanks for sharing this.
Genuinely liked this post. It gave tons of useful details. Great job on composing this.
This article is wonderful. I gained a lot from going through it. The information is very informative and arranged.
Truly liked perusing this entry. It’s extremely articulate and filled with valuable insight. Many thanks for providing this.
Terrific article. It’s very well-written and filled with valuable information. Many thanks for offering this content.
Really liked this article. It offered a lot of valuable information. Excellent effort on creating this.
Truly enjoyed going through this entry. It’s highly articulate and full of useful insight. Thank you for offering this.
This article is fantastic! Full of valuable details and extremely clear. Many thanks for offering this.
Truly enjoyed this entry. It provided a lot of helpful details. Fantastic work on writing this.
Terrific post. It’s extremely clear and filled with beneficial insight. Thank you for offering this information.
Appreciated this entry. It’s very comprehensive and full of valuable details. Excellent job!
Wonderful post. It’s highly clear and full of valuable information. Thanks for providing this information.
This post is truly fantastic! The information provided is very useful, and it’s clear. Thank you for taking the time to write this.
This post is wonderful! Packed with useful details and extremely clear. Thank you for providing this.
This is fantastic. I picked up tons from going through it. The information is very enlightening and well-organized.
Fantastic article. I found the information highly helpful. Adored the method you detailed the content.
Truly liked going through this article. It’s extremely articulate and full of valuable insight. Many thanks for sharing this.
Great entry. I thought the information extremely helpful. Adored the method you explained everything.
Really liked reading this entry. It’s highly well-written and filled with helpful insight. Thank you for offering this.
Appreciated the information in this article. It’s extremely detailed and filled with beneficial information. Excellent work!
This post is wonderful. I learned a lot from reading it. The details is highly enlightening and structured.
This is amazing! Packed with valuable insights and extremely clear. Thank you for sharing this.
Truly liked going through this article. It’s very articulate and packed with useful insight. Many thanks for sharing this.
Great article. I found the details highly beneficial. Adored the method you explained all the points.
Excellent post. I thought the information very helpful. Adored the manner you clarified everything.
Genuinely appreciated going through this article. It’s highly clear and packed with useful details. Many thanks for providing this.
This post is amazing! The insight shared is extremely beneficial, and it’s articulate. Many thanks for putting in the work to compose this.
Terrific post. It’s very well-written and filled with valuable insight. Many thanks for sharing this information.
Loved this entry. It’s highly comprehensive and packed with useful insights. Great job!
This article is fantastic! Full of helpful insights and extremely articulate. Thank you for sharing this.
This is fantastic. I learned plenty from going through it. The information is very enlightening and arranged.
Truly appreciated going through this post. It’s highly clear and full of useful insight. Thanks for sharing this.
This provided me tons of useful information. I particularly appreciated the way you explained everything. Great job!
Genuinely valued this entry. It gave tons of valuable information. Fantastic effort!
Truly enjoyed this entry. It gave a lot of helpful details. Excellent work on composing this.
This post is great. I picked up plenty from going through it. The details is extremely educational and well-organized.
Great article. I found the information extremely helpful. Adored the method you detailed the content.
Terrific post. It’s extremely clear and full of useful information. Thanks for sharing this post.
Adored the details provided in this article. It’s extremely clear and full of valuable details. Great job!
Truly liked perusing this article. It’s very well-written and packed with valuable insight. Many thanks for sharing this.
Adored the information offered in this article. It’s extremely well-written and full of useful details. Great effort!
This article is fantastic. I gained tons from reading it. The details is extremely educational and well-organized.
I truly appreciated perusing this article. It’s very well-written and packed with helpful information. Thanks for sharing this information.
Loved this entry. It’s highly well-researched and filled with valuable information. Great work!
Wonderful article. It’s extremely well-written and full of valuable insight. Many thanks for providing this information.
This is incredibly enlightening. I truly valued going through it. The details is very structured and simple to understand.
Wonderful entry. It’s highly articulate and full of useful information. Many thanks for sharing this information.
This is fantastic. I gained tons from reading it. The details is extremely educational and arranged.
Truly enjoyed this entry. It offered a lot of valuable information. Fantastic work on composing this.
Loved the insight in this post. It’s very detailed and filled with beneficial information. Great job!
This post is amazing! Filled with valuable insights and highly articulate. Thanks for offering this.
Really enjoyed this article. It gave tons of valuable insights. Excellent effort on writing this.
Really liked this post. It provided tons of helpful information. Great work on composing this.
Genuinely liked this entry. It offered tons of helpful details. Great effort on writing this.
This is really fantastic! The details shared is extremely beneficial, and it’s well-written. Many thanks for putting in the work to compose this.
This article provided fantastic insight. I really appreciated reading it. The information is highly well-organized and simple to understand.
Truly enjoyed this article. It provided a lot of valuable information. Excellent job on creating this.
This article is extremely informative. I genuinely valued reading it. The information is highly well-organized and simple to comprehend.
Really liked going through this entry. It’s very well-written and full of valuable insight. Thanks for offering this.
Truly enjoyed this post. It gave plenty of helpful insights. Great effort on creating this.
Genuinely liked this article. It gave tons of valuable details. Great job on creating this.
This post is extremely informative. I genuinely valued reading it. The content is extremely well-organized and simple to follow.
This article is highly informative. I really appreciated reading it. The content is very well-organized and straightforward to understand.
This post gave fantastic information. I truly liked perusing it. This content is very arranged and easy to comprehend.
Loved this entry. It’s highly detailed and packed with valuable details. Excellent work!
This is fantastic. I gained plenty from reading it. The details is highly enlightening and arranged.
Wonderful entry. It’s very clear and packed with beneficial insight. Thank you for sharing this post.
Genuinely appreciated perusing this article. It’s very well-written and filled with useful insight. Thank you for offering this.
This is amazing! Filled with useful details and highly articulate. Thanks for offering this.
Adored this entry. It’s highly comprehensive and packed with helpful information. Fantastic job!
Adored the insight shared in this entry. It’s very well-written and filled with valuable details. Great effort!
Truly liked going through this article. It’s very articulate and packed with helpful insight. Many thanks for sharing this.
Great article. I found the details very beneficial. Adored the way you clarified everything.
Genuinely enjoyed this post. It gave a lot of helpful insights. Great job on creating this.
This is wonderful! Packed with useful information and highly clear. Many thanks for providing this.
Terrific entry. It’s very articulate and full of beneficial insight. Thanks for offering this information.
This article is wonderful! Filled with helpful insights and very articulate. Thanks for offering this.
Really appreciated this article. It gave a lot of useful details. Great job on creating this.
Appreciated this article. It’s highly detailed and full of useful insights. Great effort!
Loved this post. It’s extremely detailed and filled with valuable insights. Great work!
Fantastic entry. I thought the information very useful. Adored the method you clarified all the points.
Loved this article. It’s highly comprehensive and filled with helpful details. Fantastic work!
Wonderful entry. It’s extremely articulate and packed with useful information. Many thanks for offering this post.
This post is highly enlightening. I truly valued perusing it. The details is very arranged and straightforward to follow.
Genuinely enjoyed this article. It gave a lot of valuable information. Fantastic effort on composing this.
This article is fantastic. I gained plenty from perusing it. The content is very enlightening and arranged.
This article is wonderful! Packed with useful details and highly articulate. Thanks for offering this.
Genuinely appreciated this entry. It provided plenty of useful information. Excellent work on writing this.
This post gave me a lot of useful insight. I particularly appreciated the method you clarified everything. Fantastic job!
Truly appreciated perusing this entry. It’s highly clear and full of helpful information. Thank you for offering this.
This post is great. I gained a lot from perusing it. The information is very informative and arranged.
Appreciated the insight in this entry. It’s very well-researched and filled with useful information. Excellent work!
Appreciated this entry. It’s highly detailed and packed with valuable insights. Excellent work!
Truly enjoyed this post. It offered plenty of valuable details. Fantastic effort on writing this.
Adored this entry. It’s very well-researched and full of helpful insights. Great job!
Adored the details shared in this entry. It’s very clear and filled with useful information. Excellent work!
Appreciated the insight in this entry. It’s extremely comprehensive and packed with beneficial insights. Excellent job!
This post is great. I learned plenty from reading it. The information is very educational and structured.
This is fantastic. I gained a lot from reading it. The details is extremely educational and well-organized.
Loved this post. It’s very comprehensive and packed with valuable insights. Fantastic effort!
This is incredibly educational. I truly enjoyed going through it. The content is extremely structured and straightforward to understand.
So an fantastic post! The details offered is extremely useful and well-written. Thanks for taking the time to write this.
What an enlightening entry! I learned a lot from going through it. Your information is extremely structured and straightforward to understand.
This is fantastic. I picked up tons from going through it. The information is extremely informative and well-organized.
Great post. I discovered the details extremely beneficial. Appreciated the method you explained the content.
Adored this post. It’s very comprehensive and filled with helpful insights. Excellent job!
Really liked going through this article. It’s very educational and structured. Great work!
Loved this post. It’s very detailed and filled with helpful details. Excellent work!
Genuinely liked this article. It gave tons of useful information. Excellent job on creating this.
Adored this article. It’s highly well-researched and filled with useful details. Excellent work!
This post is wonderful. I gained plenty from perusing it. The details is highly informative and well-organized.
Really enjoyed this article. It offered plenty of useful information. Great work on composing this.
This post is amazing! Packed with helpful information and highly articulate. Thank you for providing this.
Appreciated this entry. It’s extremely well-researched and full of helpful insights. Excellent effort!
This article is wonderful! Full of valuable information and extremely clear. Thank you for offering this.
Really appreciated this article. It offered plenty of valuable information. Great job on writing this.
Great entry. I thought the information highly useful. Adored the manner you clarified all the points.
This is great. I picked up a lot from perusing it. The content is highly enlightening and well-organized.
Really liked this article. It offered plenty of valuable information. Fantastic effort on creating this.
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This is great. I gained tons from reading it. The content is extremely enlightening and well-organized.
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Excellent entry. It’s extremely clear and full of beneficial details. Thanks for sharing this content.
Gostei bastante. Compra certeira.
Great post. I thought the information very beneficial. Adored the manner you explained everything.
Excellent article. I found the details extremely beneficial. Adored the manner you clarified everything.
Such an wonderful article! The information provided is very helpful and articulate. Thanks for taking the time to compose this.
This article is extremely educational. I truly enjoyed going through it. The content is extremely structured and straightforward to comprehend.
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